I was tasked by NBC Sports Chicago to help create the art direction and broadcast package for their coverage of the 2022 Chicago White Sox season.
Art Direction
Broadcast Graphics Package
Social Media Templates
Creating a Visual Identity​​​​​​​
Playing in the South Side of Chicago, I wanted to capture the grittier, edgy and bolder attitude that the White Sox and their fans have compared to their counterpart in the Cubs. So, I used several grungy, handcrafted textures and bold typefaces to create a distinct visual identity for all assets.
Translating Into Broadcast​​​​​​​
The visuals and aesthetics from the digital creative also translated over to the broadcast package and specialty graphics. Animations for all White Sox players and specialty graphics were created for live events staff to use in-between segments during the game broadcast.
Soxtober Sponsored Elements
Towards the final month of the White Sox season, their final push for a spot in the playoffs is dubbed "Soxtober", referring to the end of the regular season and start of the MLB playoffs in October. Visuals and aesthetics were also applied to elements for Soxtober coverage.

Opening animation for Soxtober segment on during pre-game broadcast

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